Rant: Skins: Chris`s Illness Confirmed | Sixty Second Review

Sixty Second Review

Short reviews on everything pop culture.

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We`re here to offer you our honest opinion of the popular and not so popular medium that is television. Maybe you agree maybe you don't. Let us know via the comments.

Farewell Skins

Monday saw the final episode of Skins, read my review. What did you think about Season Two? Want to know if Skins has been renewed for a third season? What do we currently know about season three? Skins returns in early 2009!

Rant: Skins: Chris`s Illness Confirmed

Spoiler Warning : If you haven't watched Skins Season 2 Episode 9 don't continue reading.

In our first post we were close, but last night`s episode revealed the truth.

In this weeks episode we have confirmed the exact illness that Chris from Skins was suffering.

Chris in his own words revealed the sickness he was suffering was a "genetically acquired
subarachnoid hemorrhage". He also stated that he was taking pills to lower his blood pressure.

Wikipedia says:

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), or subarachnoid haemorrhage, is bleeding into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain, the area between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater. The bleeding may occur spontaneously, usually from a cerebral aneurysm, or may result from trauma. Regardless of the cause, it is regarded as a medical emergency. Symptoms include an intense headache with a rapid onset, vomiting, and an altered level of consciousness.
Chris displays all of this symptoms in the episode. Although, I couldn't find any strong evidence that it is a hereditary condition. Only that you have a increased risks of the disease compared to the general populace if you're parents had the condition.

So in episode 8 he had a bleeding on the brain which most likely clotted causing increased pressure on the brain. Then he had an operation to remove the clot by placing a wire into the vein on his inner leg.

Lucky this is Skins we're talking about and not a medial drama like E.R.

Related Information: Google | Wikipedia


  1. Anonymous said...

    actually the wire through his groin was a tube going to his brain to squirt dye in it to make it possible to xray, this is called an angiogram (spelling?) anyway then he would have had to undergo a series of radio therapy sessions which is when you have a metal frame screwed into your skull -for ten hours! and you are put into a large dome like a human microwave were you get radio waves or something. I know this cos i had a cerebal hemorage at 19 and that last episode of skins was heavy! it depicted what i have been imagining happening to myself for the last ten years (im 29 now).

  2. Anonymous said...

    actually the wire through his groin was a tube going to his brain to squirt dye in it to make it possible to xray, this is called an angiogram (spelling?) anyway then he would have had to undergo a series of radio therapy sessions which is when you have a metal frame screwed into your skull -for ten hours! and you are put into a large dome like a human microwave were you get radio waves or something. I know this cos i had a cerebal hemorage at 19 and that last episode of skins was heavy! it depicted what i have been imagining happening to myself for the last ten years (im 29 now).

  3. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    "actually the wire through his groin was a tube going to his brain to squirt dye in it to make it possible to xray"

    Sorry mate but you're completely wrong. The tube from groin to brain is to insert a platinum coil in to the aneuryism to control bleeding. Dye is inserted directly into the bloodstream during CT scan. I suffered an SAH in January.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Oh Ok I mustv had somethin different then? Anyway still touched me. I think skins is great but now chris is dead ..well i dunno, i liked him ..shame.

  5. Anonymous said...

    P.s. Smartass!!!...who me? or you?
    Thanks for putting me in my place so Resolutely anyhow,i got a bit over exited at the thought of having one over.. silly me!.

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